Newest upcoming Event at Frames USA: Life of Marilyn Monroe 1926 -1962

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Experience Marilyn Monroe’s life through our collection of photographs.  Frames USA & Art Gallery will be hosting a photography show featuring the life of Marilyn Monroe from 1926 — 1962.  All photographs will be available for sale.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the photographs will be donated to the Footprints Foundation.  This international charity, headquartered in Miami, Florida, supports the end of female genital mutilation, child marriages and the rights of women to give birth without risking their lives, focusing in areas of Africa and Jamaica.  Around the world, at least 200 million girls suffer the consequences of female genital mutilation and one woman dies every 90 seconds in pregnancy or childbirth.  — the vast majority of deaths are preventable with skilled care.


Opening Reception:  Friday, November 3, 2017, 6-10 PM:  Includes drinks and hors-d’oeuvres.

The show will run from November 3rd thru November 22nd, 2017.

Open to all Ages

Location:  Frames USA & Art Gallery

6822 SW 40th Street, Miami, Florida 33155

305.666.3355   —

To RSVP visit our WEBSITE.


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